Monday, February 23, 2009

Part A: Nuclear Fussion and Fission

Fissioning an atom is the process of splitting it into smaller equal parts that are half the original mass. Fission occurs when a nucleus gets a neutron or it can just happen on its own. Fusion is the process of gathering to nuclei and bonding them together to for one atom. Fission and fusion are different because fission is when the nucleus splits and fusion is when the atom tries to gather “stuff” to put it back together. (Sayfa, 2005)
Nuclear Fusion is a process when to atoms bond to another atom. The disadvantage about nuclear fusion is that it takes more energy to make it then is produced. This is becuase you have to heat it up to get the energy out of the atoms nucleus. The advantages to nuclear fission is it produces the same amount of energy as it had before and is the best modern energy source. It also does not produce any harmful radioactive gases. (AJ Software, 2008)